- Palm Leaf Reading
We take pride in being the first Palm Leaf Reading Center to make Palm Leaf Readings available online for people worldwide with professional experience since 2010, and the only Palm Leaf Reading Center where each client is individually guided through their Reading with the help of a professional Life Coach and a free follow-up session to make sure that they get the most out of their Reading. With the most experience in authentic Palm Leaf Readings and professional interpretation, we provide world-leading quality, which we guarantee you won't get anywhere else!
Through the ancient method of Naadi Leaves, also known as Indian Palm Leaf Manuscripts, your life was written onto dried palm leaves and conserved thousands of years ago, then stored away waiting for you to find it.
The Maharishis were the sages who wrote them with the intention to give personalized guidance and advice to help you live life to the fullest.
Your personal manuscript that tells you exactly what you are going through in the present time period and what to expect in the future in order to help you face cross roads and difficulties, as well as points out the great potentials and opportunities awaiting to be discovered within you and your life.
Get Answers and Advice from your Palm Leaf...
- How can I live my life to the fullest?
- What health issues to expect and what can I do to avoid or minimize them?
- How can I improve myself and my life?
- What job or business will I be the most successful in?
- When will I find my life partner?
- Will I have children?
- When can I expect ups and downs and what can I do to best prepare for the obstacles in my life?
- Who is the right partner for me?
Price for Search, Matching, and Guided Reading (4 hours):
CAD 570
Includes video recording of the reading, and a professional Palm Leaf interpreter to help guide you through the matching and Reading process, so you can get the most out of your experience while connecting with an authentic Palm Leaf Reader from India
A Refundable* Deposit of $180 CAD is required to Book the Appointment
(Deposit is included in the full price and contains search and matching process)
Book Your Palm Leaf Reading
How it Works?
How does the process look like from the Search to the Reading?
Step 1
Starting the Search of your Palm Leaf
Finding the Bundles
After contacting us you will be provided with simple instructions. Once we receive your thumbprint type and the deposit* we will book your live online appointment and start the search for your Palm Leaf in the Indian Palm Leaf Libraries.
*The deposit is refundable after three unsuccessful matching appointments.
Step 2
The Matching Process
Finding your Palm Leaf
Your appointment will be through live video connection starting with the Matching Process where we go through the Palm Leaf Bundles to find your personal Palm Leaf.
The matching chapters contain facts, thoughts and even specific names.
*There is always a possibility that we can't find your Palm Leaf because you don't have one or it's not the right time for you yet. In this case the deposit is refundable after three unsuccessful matching appointments.
Step 3
The Reading
Getting to know the content of your Palm Leaf
Palm Leaves start by writing about the current situation, what you are going through in the present time period and what to expect in the future. It provides personal guidance and advice on how to succeed in all areas of life.
The guidance from the Palm Leaves are meant to minimize the negative effects in our life and help live the best possible life to the fullest.
Palm Leaves write about future events and helpful advice for all main areas of our life:
- Guidance and Suggestions
- Relationship / Family
- Finances
- Career
- Travel / Relocation
- Health
- Self-Development
How do I know the process is genuine and authentic?
Why Us?
I have been researching the Palm Leaves for over 8 years and strongly believe that every person who has a Palm Leaf deserves to have their real Palm Leaf Manuscript read from a reliable source by an authentic professional Palm Leaf Reader.
What are the Palm Leaf Manuscripts?
About the Naadi Leaves
The Indian Palm Leaf Manuscripts are ancient predictions carved and conserved onto dried Palm Leaves. They were written thousands of years ago for individuals living in our past, present and future with personal guidance to live the best possible life we can. They contain names of our loved ones, specific facts and even our thoughts.
Is there a Palm Leaf written for me?
My personal manuscript
Not everyone has a Palm Leaf, but those who do will usually hear about them and feel a calling to find theirs. Every Palm Leaf is written from the present time period of which the person is meant to find it. Usually when they face cross roads, have questions about their life and need guidance. They contain very specific facts and names which help identify the rightful owner through a matching process. During the matching appointment with the client we go through Leaves within certain Palm Leaf bundles until we find the one with only correct statements on it.
If we don't find your Palm Leaf within three matching appointments and you decide to stop the search of your Palm Leaf, your deposit will be refunded.
How many kind of Palm Leaves are there?
Different Maharishi's wrote different Palm Leaves
Agastya Maharishi wrote the most Palm Leaves and is usually the first kind of Palm Leaf to be searched for.
Although this is the most popular Palm Leaf Read by any authentic reader, it is not the only kind of Palm Leaf we have access to.
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Here is a recent article based on an interview with GoSolo. We hope you enjoy: What's your business, and who are your customers? Green Tara Alternative Healthcare and Life Improvement helps clients around the world reach their highest potential. All our services focus on unlocking the highest...November 23, 2020 · Palm Leaves,Self-improvement,Self-AwarenessFrom over 10 years of research and experience I put together a theory which I refer to as "The Life Element Theory". I always explain to my clients when preparing them for their Indian Palm Leaf Manuscript Reading; there is no such thing as a 100% precise prediction. If anyone else tells you...November 17, 2020 · Pandemic,2020,Self-improvement,Self-AwarenessAs I wrote in the first part of this blog post "Overcoming Fear", there are many aspects of taking care of ourselves during a Pandemic but governments and media mainly focus on the physical part of it. Because of this we tend to forget about the most important part: How this makes us feel and...
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